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Authors Guidelines
The authors who wish to publish a research paper in Verdict: Journal of Law Science must adhere to the following provisions.
- The manuscript must be written in academic Indonesian or English.
- The manuscript must be the original work of the author(s), free from plagiarism, and not previously published or under consideration by any other journal.
- The manuscript must be written following the author's guidelines and template of Verdict: Journal of Law Science.
By submitting an article to this journal, you agree to all necessary originality checks on your paper. Each article will undergo a peer-review process before proceeding to the production stage. Therefore, authors must agree to wait for the process.
Manuscript Preparation
- The manuscript can be in Indonesian or English version. If authors submit an English manuscript, the English language should be consistent (American or British spelling). English spelling should not be mixed or used interchangeably. Authors are required to use one of the English spelling.
- The manuscript is written in a single column in A4 paper format—margins size: 3 cm (left, right, top, and bottom). The article format (layout) will be finalized before publication.
- The article comprises 3500 to 8000 words, including tables, references, captions, footnotes, and appendixes. Manuscripts exceeding the limit will be critically reviewed regarding their length.
- The manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: Title, Author’s name, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (Introduction, Method and Legal Material, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion), Conflict of interest statement, Authors’ contributions and responsibilities, Acknowledgements, References, Appendices (if any).
- The manuscript should be in Word.docx file format.
- The entire manuscript uses “Times New Roman” with a font size of 12.
- The title is written in centered and bold. The first letter of each word is capitalized, except for conjunctions. The title consists of a maximum of 14 words.
- The authors’ names and email addresses. The author’s name is written in full without any academic titles. If the author’s name is only one word, the first name should be duplicated as the last name, e.g. Hundson Hundson. The corresponding author is marked with an asterisk (*). Then, provide the authors’ email addresses (mandatory). Note: The maximum number of authors is five (5).
- The author’s affiliation/institution (name of institution/university, city address, postal code, and country name) must be written in full address (mandatory).
- The abstract. The abstract must contain the background, research objectives, research methods, results or findings, and conclusions. This abstract consists of 250 words.
- The keywords. Keywords are written alphabetically consisting of 3-5 words. Keywords must represent the content of the research article or be general in the subject discipline.
- The introduction. The introduction contains the background of the research being examined. In other words, the introduction must clearly present the legal issues that will be discussed in the research manuscript. Within the introduction, it is highly recommended that the author cite several supporting theories (Use footnotes in citing theory). The author can also conduct a literature review to show the importance of the research topic being studied. The literature review aims to demonstrate the novelty and limitations of the research. A crucial point in the introduction is to clearly explain the urgency or research gap. This urgency can be illustrated by presenting data or information on the weaknesses of previous research, such as methodological shortcomings, inaccuracies in the use of analytical theories, technology law, or current legal case phenomena. At the end of the introduction, the author should clearly state the objectives of the ongoing research.
- The method and legal material. The research method consists of stages that are used in a research process, types of research approaches, methods, types and sources of legal data/material, and data analysis techniques. The method contains an explanation of the research approach, study subjects, the research procedure’s conduct, the use of materials and instruments, data collection, analysis techniques, and data analysis presentation.
- The Results and Discussion. The results section contains the results of the analysis and research findings. In the discussion section, interpretations of research results are provided to give the reader meaning or guide further research.
- The conclusion. The conclusion contains a summary of the research findings. She was then, followed by the main points of the discussion. A general conclusion ends with a statement about how the research work contributes to the field of study. It also contains the limitations of the research and suggestions for future research.
- The conflict of interest statement. The author(s) shall declare the conflict of interest related to their research. Conflict of interest will occur when the author’s actions are influenced by the organization or personal relationships, such as financial gain, personal interest, or any successful outcomes. Provide a conflict of interest statement. If there is no conflict of Interest, state that “The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.
- The authors’ contributions and responsibilities. The author(s) shall state that, the “author made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study. The authors took responsibility for data analysis, interpretation, and discussion of results. The authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
- The acknowledgments. This section contains a statement of funding sources for the research work. This section also contains gratitude to those who contributed to the research and preparation of the manuscripts.
- The references. This section contains all the references cited in the text. Use the footnotes to identify the author’s citation. Then, all references must be arranged using a reference management system such as Mendeley. Verdict: Journal of Law Science applies the Chicago Manual of Style 7th Edition. It is very expected that 80% of reference sources come from journal articles, proceedings, or research results from the last five years.
- Furthermore, the formatting of title layout, abstract, headings and subheadings, footnotes, figures, tables, and appendix can be referred to in the Template of Verdict: Journal of Law Science.