About the Journal

Journal title
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: World Journal of  Corpus Linguistics
: 2 Issues Per Year ( Mei and November)

:  Dr. Mirsa Umiyati, S.S., M. Hum.
:  Pusat Publikasi MIL Unwar

World Journal of  Corpus Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal that published by Warmadewa Press, started in 2022. This journal published articles and theoretical article on any aspect of corpus linguistics  science. It aims to provide a place for academics and practitioners to publish the origin research articles, review articles, book reviews, and short communication. The scope of this journal is dealing with the role of the corpus in making dictionaries, how corpus can be applied to teaching, corpus linguistics methodology, a practical indtroduction of corpus linguistics, corpus linguistics use and case.

Language used in this journal is English

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): World Journal of Corpus Linguistics
Published: 2023-01-11


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